Halloween is over and it’s the beginning of November… it’s time to start thinking about the holidays! I love Thanksgiving! I cook for about 10-15 people every year and absolutely love it. Buuuut I need to start thinking about Christmas first! And gift giving! Because that takes time and forethought!!
I usually start thinking about gift giving in October, and try to jot down ideas when they pop up. If I see something that I think someone on my list would like, I try to get it right then & there. There have been numerous times over the years that December pops up out of nowhere and I know I thought of the perfect gift for someone, but I don’t remember what it was! Uggghhh that’s the worst! So now I try to write it down, or just get it when I think of it.
I don’t know about you, but I create a list of people that I want to get gifts for and that list just keeps on growing and growing! I mean, I have the typical … my husband, (adult) kids, their spouses, my grandchildren. But then you have to add in sisters/brothers, cousins, friends, neighbors, bosses. Oh, and what about the other people in your life?! Teachers, nurses, your kids pediatrician, the vet, mail carrier, UPS driver … as I said, the list goes on and on!
If you have a lot of women on your list (think co-workers, sisters, teachers, etc) I found a way to create wonderful gifts for at least 18 people for just $129!! ... Become a Color Street stylist!
Hear me out (& do the math lol) … When you sign up to join Color Street, you pay $129 and they send you a starter kit. The kit contains 13 (random) full sets of dry nail polish strips, and for the month of November they’re throwing in 5 extra sets of holiday designs! Plus in your kit, you’ll receive nail files, testers (twosie accents), nail polish remover wipes, cuticle sticks, & alcohol prep pads that you can bundle up to create little mani packages! (Plus you’ll receive a bunch of business supplies)
But that’s not all! Also included in your kit is part of our hand and nail care collection! Plus part of our new lip care collection! You can divide it all up to create some amazing gifts, put them in pretty gift bags and you’re done! You’ve just checked at least 18 people off of your list for like $7 per person!!
The starter kit includes 13 sets of nail strips, 5 BONUS holiday sets, 72 testers, hand lotion, cuticle oil, 3 lipsticks, 2 lip liners, tinted lip balm, lip primer, 20 remover pads, 100 prep pads, 2 large nail files, 2 nail buffers, 60 mini nail files, 50 cuticle sticks, 25 catalogs, 25 brochures, Stylist Launch Guide, & a tote bag |
Of course, you can throw some extras in also to make it a little more special. How about some fun holiday socks? Compact mirror? Hand sanitizer? Nail clippers? Ohh the possibilities are endless! I found a bunch of great products during Ulta Beauty's 5 for $5 sale, Dollar Tree, & Target’s dollar spot … so even adding in these extras, each gift cost about $10. Where else can you get such an amazing gift for $10?!
You can use just contents from your kit, or step it up a bit by adding little inexpensive gifts. For the extra gifts, I added some holiday socks from Dollar Tree, Holiday lip balm and nail stickers from Ulta Beauty. |
I stock up all year when there's good sales. Lip balms, nail clippers, lotion, nail brushes, hand sanitizers, nail tapes, stickers, holiday nail files ... anything cute & inexpensive to add to a gift. |
Wait! There’s more! (that reminds me of infomercials 🤣) After you sign up to join Color Street, you’ll have immediate access to start reaping the wonderful benefits! You can order some sets for yourself - taking advantage of the buy 3 get 1 free deal and receive 25% commissions- even on your own orders! You’ll also have access to your personal shopping website that you can share with family and friends for them to shop from. Anything they purchase from your site, you’ll receive a commission!! It’s super easy to stay an ‘active stylist’ too! You only need any amount sale within 6 consecutive months (if you have zero sales within 6 consecutive months, you become deactivated). That includes your own personal purchases and those of your customers!
I’ll be honest … I don’t have a ton of customers or a huge social media following. But I’ve been a Color Street stylist for over 2 years and have been able to stay active with no problem. Just by using the product I love and sharing that love with others, I’m able to continue on this wonderful journey.
I would love for you to join my team and be part of this amazing adventure! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. You can find all of my links (including the join opportunity) by clicking the link below.
Click HERE for links
Thanks for stopping by today!